Who We Are

A Different Kind of QA Company

Shasta QA employees are fully benefited full-time resources who work in our offices on a daily basis. We promote rural job growth to give you access to outside talent but that is still in your local time zone. Our employees’ average 4.25 years with our company and work with clients that have been with us anywhere from 1-10 years.

Our staff is not just bug finders who run test cases. We are independent and out of the box thinkers who help ensure the success of our clients’ business models. We are a peer accountability based culture up and down the organization. In true QA fashion, we speak the language of honesty. Our staff are encouraged and taught to speak the truth no matter the audience so that they are not afraid to do the same with their clients.

Our goal at Shasta QA is to train our staff so that we have a three or four-year tester in two years. From day one, our employees undergo significant training on many subjects including business model QA, journey learning, accountability and open and honest communication. Each of these areas focuses on QA, leadership, industry, and communication.

Examples include leadership meetings, virtual management walks, risk mitigation, industry reports, business model reports, communication phase shift, stagnation defense, SOPs, peer review, postmortems, among many others. As a result, we have a constant influx of experienced engineers who can hit the ground running with anything you need. We don’t rebuild, we reload because of our all-star process.

The competitive advantage you've been searching for begins with our dedicated team of collaborative software QA professionals working toward a common goal: Your success.


Our software testing company provides a full spectrum of black-box and white-box software QA strategies for testing in the following areas: